Diane Pang / April 1st, 2021

Patience is a Virtue

Diane Pang

“Are we there yet?” It’s been more than one year since much of our society started working from home. Clearly, life is still not “normal” and it is very unclear what the “new normal” will look like or when we can say the pandemic is behind us. Everyone’s patience has been tested and is still being tested. Vaccination in Canada is rolling out at an embarrassing snail’s pace compared to other countries. As warmer weather approaches for Canada, provincial governments are concerned that it will lure people to venture outside more and gather socially. New variants are on the rise and we are seeing evidence in the positive test numbers that yet another wave is developing. I’m losing count which wave this is, as life has not changed much over the last 12 months for me, everything is pretty “boring” and routinely the same.