
Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund

Exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and most liquid equity markets, emphasizing high growth sectors, such as healthcare and technology, which are limited in Canada.

Kipling Global Enhanced Dividend Fund

Focus on dividend growth, profitability and balance sheet flexibility emphasizing cash flows to shareholders.

Kipling Strategic Income Fund

Focus on providing a steady income stream through fixed income investing.

Capital preservation while mitigating risk exposure from both an interest rate risk and credit risk perspective.

Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund

Exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and most liquid equity markets, emphasizing high growth sectors, such as healthcare and technology, which are limited in Canada.

Kipling Global Enhanced Dividend Fund

Focus on dividend growth, profitability and balance sheet flexibility emphasizing cash flows to shareholders.

Kipling Strategic Income Fund

Focus on providing a steady income stream through fixed income investing.

Capital preservation while mitigating risk exposure from both an interest rate risk and credit risk perspective.

Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund

Exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and most liquid equity markets, emphasizing high growth sectors, such as healthcare and technology, which are limited in Canada.

Kipling Global Enhanced Dividend Fund

Focus on dividend growth, profitability and balance sheet flexibility emphasizing cash flows to shareholders.

Kipling Strategic Income Fund

Focus on providing a steady income stream through fixed income investing.

Capital preservation while mitigating risk exposure from both an interest rate risk and credit risk perspective.

Kipling Global Enhanced Growth Fund

Exposure to the world’s largest, most diverse and most liquid equity markets, emphasizing high growth sectors, such as healthcare and technology, which are limited in Canada.